Alligator, Fish or Both? The alligator gar — an ancient fish that has existed for 100 million years — roams the rivers, streams and bayous of the southeastern United States. It gets its name from its alligator-like snout and its double row of dagger sharp teeth. Unlike most of its close relatives, the alligator gar can breathe air and survive above water for up to two hours. Its body is covered in an armor plating of diamond-shaped, enamel-coated ganoid scales, and it's been said that this shining armor can produce sparks when struck by an axe.
The Devil Fish: The alligator gar stands accused of vicious human attacks, most notably at Lake Pontchartrain in Louisiana. A New Orleans newspaper once published an article contending that the alligator gar is more dangerous to human life than the "man-eater shark." But little evidence exists to suggest that this fish is actually aggressive towards humans, raising the question of whether the alligator gar has been wrongly accused of attacks perpetrated by an animal with a real track record of violence — the American alligator.
alligator gar description - this long streamline fish uses a head that will be flattened and appearance very like an alligator. the tail is wide and rounded and there will be 2 fins on high and bottom only in front as to the tail fin. there will be 2 a lot of bottom fins, one regarding half approach in the body and another only behind the top. they actually are similar in appearance to actually a pike in body form. their teeth are sharp and protrude on either facet with the bill-like mouth.
alligator gar size - world record on rod and reel is 279 pounds however they actually get bigger - a few are reported up to actually 350 pounds and 10 feet long. most caught by fishermen and bow fishermen now could be around 100 pounds.
alligator gar distribution - direct from florida panhandle in the mississippi drainage in the ohio and missouri rivers where they actually enter, west to actually mexico. the natural distribution could be a crescent covering that space of north america.
what alligator gar eat - something they will get into their mouths ! they actually tend to actually prey on different fish.
alligator gar spawn - within the spring a female alligator gar can swim at the side of 2 or 3 males swimming in formation back with her. as she releases her eggs the males unleash sperm and also the fertilized eggs fall in the bottom and stick to actually debris there. the female carries an average of 138, 000 eggs.
alligator gar attraction to actually light-weight - they actually typically are seen on high as to the water on bright days however arrive for light-weight at night to look for smaller fish attracted in the light-weight.
alligator gar life cycle - grow slowly and take an extended time for them to mature. females mature at 11 years previous and live up to actually 50 years. males mature at age six and live to actually a minimum of 26 years previous.
alligator gar issues - though they actually look scary and ugly they actually don't hurt individuals and do no injury to actually game fish populations.
This is the inside of the mouth of Alligator Gars. We hunt all Spring and Summer is long and they are great on the table. You just cut off from their waist, but not easy. Those scales are made of enamel-like teeth. Prehistoric fish and they are now being set in the southern United States fisheries.
Anyone want to go swimming? Yes, we have also crocodiles in South Texas lakes and rivers.
Hi, My name is Andy and I'm a producer at National Geographic Channel. I am working on a fishing documentary series about alligator gar and am looking for a couple pictures to show the two rows of teeth that these gar have. I saw your website a few and I was wondering if it might be ok for us to briefly display a couple.
BalasHapusThank you very much in advance for your consideration and please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. You can reach me at andy.fram@blackfin.tv