
Senin, 30 Juli 2012


Sawfish have a long shark tail which helps it to move through the water very gracefully and very rapidly. The sawfish is a fish which lives on the bottom of its environment, and feed there. It is called a bottom dweller and its flat head and body indicate this to the observer.
Tropical rays, which are in some circles thought to be related to sharks, Sawfish are found in rivers, lacks and places here saltwater will be mixed with fresh water in Australia.Sawfish have a very flat body, with a long flat snout that has given them the nick name, sharks with swords.The sharp teeth on each side of the sword are not really teeth, but scales which have hardened into sharp tooth like state. Inside the jaw are also literally thousands of small teeth.
In the same fashion as other ray type creatures, the nostrils and their gills are below them, on the flat part of their bodies.They may range in color from tan to deep brown, usually depending on the locale where they live, but also in part depending on the species.

The females bear live young, which are born with a soft sword rather than a hardened one. It does harden but takes several days to do so.
Sawfish eat smaller fish and invertebrates which live on the bottom of the area in which they live. Among their favorite foods are shrimp and crab, which they swallow whole.

They may grow in size up to 6 feet in length, and are the largest freshwater fish in Australia. Sawfish can travel from freshwater to salt water with no ill effects and do so regularly

Sabtu, 28 Juli 2012

The Goliath Tiger Fish

tiger fish
If South America had a piranha, a fish similar to the African tigerfish. Despite coming from very different species, both fish are known to be ferocious when chasing prey.
But unlike the piranha, tigerfish has 32 teeth arranged in an interlocking rare among the lower and upper teeth with a muscular body that is designed to move quickly.

Uniquely, this fish has air-filled sacs in the body that serves as a sound receiver. This tool is transmits the vibrations of the water to allow tigerfish will detect the presence of animals around and take appropriate action.

Tigerfish group to get the animal by any measure, including land animals that are too close to the river. Tigerfish adults generally hunt in small groups, consisting of 4-5 fish, but quite dangerous. As an illustration, one can catch prey tigerfish tail that has a size of her own.
tiger fish

Angler Jeremy Wade, a professional angler from England is one of the few people who caught the fish. He managed to beat tigerfish length of 5 feet or about 1.5 meters weighing 45kg after trying to arrest him for 8 days.

"This fish is very rare and hard to catch because he lived in a very remote area and difficult to reach," Wade said, as quoted from River Monsters, March 29, 2011. "There are no guides or accommodation in the area around the dwelling fish in the river Congo," he said.

Wade said the fish is also very dangerous to be caught. "If you are not careful, he can easily remove your finger or even worse," he said.

When the food is rarely encountered and competition for prey is very heavy, tigerfish can also perform cannibalism. According to research, it is common, especially in the dry season.

tiger fish
This fish is also known to attack humans and crocodiles. Tigerfish attack can be deadly because of its sharp teeth and a very aggressive hunting tactics.

The Oarfish

monster fish

In the past, when cars and airplanes have not been there, the travelers explore the world by ship. And since then came the legendary sea monsters are incredible. Are these monsters really exist? or just fantasy of a drunken sailor? Although science can not determine with certainty the identity of these monsters, but at least there are some that could be considered prime suspects. This is one of them, or Oarfish Regalecus Glesne.

If you look at his picture, I think you would not be surprised to see these creatures are often mistaken for a monster or sea serpent.

These fish belong to the category of very rare and seldom seen. I was so scarce that the fish is never caught on camera in a state of life to 2001.

He belongs to the family that has four species Regalecidae. One species, Regalecus Glesne, we're talking about this, never entered into the Guinness Book of World Records for having been found living with a body length of up to 11 meters.

The food is plankton and tiny sea creatures other. He was able to live up to a depth of 1,000 meters. Surprisingly, this fish has no scales. His body was covered only by a kind of membrane, called guanine.

These fish have a single fin fish, including red and a loner. However, when these fish are sick or dying, like the loner does not want to die in loneliness. So he climbed to the top surface of the sea and stay there until death. Possible to attract the attention of the sailors, or just want to look at the sun for the last time.

monster fish

The sailors of the past may have seen these fish at the surface and perceive it as a sea monster. For example, in 1860, when a five meter long Oarfish beached Bermuda, the residents immediately link it with the legendary sea monster.

Although science has been able to open the veil of this rare fish, but I think, every person who first saw these fish will be amazed, just like when I saw it for the first time.

Kamis, 26 Juli 2012


In various parts of the world there is always the eternal mystery. In Norway for example, kraken sea monster story is so intriguing, not only ordinary people but also scientists. Kraken monster story is so legendary among sailors Norway for thousands of years. Kraken first term is obtained in a journal Systema Naturae (Carolus Linnaeus, 1735). Journal that contains the name of the Norwegian monsters that live in the 12th century. There Kraken is told as a very large living creatures in the waters around the north of Norway. sea ​​monster Kraken existence of this back story reinforced in 1752 when a bishop who came from Bergen, Norway Erik Ludvigsen Pontoppidan named wrote a book called The Natural History of Norway. Pontoppidan describes in his book that the kraken is a many-armed creature with a long suction device that can swallow the ship following awakya. He also described the creature is a length of more than 20 meter, 5 meter head and eyes as big as dinner plates. Want to know the diet craze of this monster? Include squid and other smaller whales. Wow ...... Controversy and Assumptions At first, the stories of sea monsters described by previous sailors never seriously considered by scientists. These stories are regarded as fables of drunken sailors. Then, after investigation, it turns out this legend is true, and indeed there is: Krakken often told the sailors that might be a kind of giant squid (Architeuthis dux). This giant squid is probably the only creature that approached during the centuries the legend of the kraken. For years, scientists have also spent millions of dollars to catch or at least to photograph giant mollusk that lives in deep water. However, no results whatsoever from this costly expedition satisfactory.
big squird

 Squid specimen greatest expected to reach 65 feet in length, but the newly discovered about 26 feet in length, when a biologist from the Japanese film muluska (a type of squid) from a depth of 3000 feet for the first time. These shocking discoveries prove that at a certain depth of man is still not fully aware of the hidden mysteries of nature. (See also: Japanese Scientists Discover Giant Squid) Actually there are many stories that could strengthen the existence of sea monsters kraken like this. But until now still seputaran between controversy and assumptions. In 1955, a Canadian newspaper published a mysterious story learned from the sailors. A sailing ship that crashed into something strange. From far away, it looks like a decayed whale or a giant jellyfish floating on the water surface. When the ship approached the object, sailor John Squires leaned on board to attach it. But after touching objects such as iron hook jellyfish, a huge tentacles out of it. Sailors were afraid and fell on the deck. John was shocked and her face pale. Sailors that was devastated by John Squires never go to sea again since that day. Now let's go to Scotland, Loch Lake, home of yet another mysterious monster called the Nessy. Every year the media reported a lot of evidence and witnesses who met with this monster. They believe Nessi is part of a natural phenomenon that is really real. Nessy monster story appeared in 1966 through a Royal Air Force pilot. They filmed an episode in which one of the creatures that cross the lake Loch. When the researchers examined the records, they concluded that this was a living creature. As the monster across the lake; movements form the letter "V" on the surface of the lake. Alleged that the monster of Lake Loch is plesiosaurus life. But could these prehistoric creatures survive millions of years? This is possible because of the turtles, crocodiles and sharks live in the same era with plesiosaurus and still survive to this day. Moreover, two thirds of the world covered with water. This is a large area to live and could not reach a human. Not clear whether the later marine aquarium will show him the way to the scientist. If this happens we will be able to see the sea caves inhabited by something like what we read in books just fantastic.

sea monster


sea monster
Our world is indeed vast, especially the underwater world. Keep in mind, in the depths of the sea in fact still have a lot of mystery, and only 5 percent of the new course can be expressed by a human. In the exploration of deep sea exploration or special equipment needed to cost a fortune. Imagine, a mini submarine to be resistant to water pressure is very great. If not then it will ready to confront a terrible accident, people will die in seconds if the submarine broke in depth. Thus, the animal inhabitants of the deep ocean was certainly adjust to the extreme conditions sekitarnya.Makanya do not be surprised if the deep-sea animals weird and strange forms sometimes look scary. Sea monsters have special abilities in his body so that it can live in the dark towing and high pressure.